Sunday, September 11, 2011

#24 Done

Do Baptisms for the dead

This is something that I have wanted to do but have not done since I was about 13 or 14 years old. I wanted to do it because temple work is something that is important to me and because this part of temple work is something that is a little out of my comfort zone. The whole point of this list is to push me and make me accomplish goals that are hard for me. This is one of them.

I remember doing baptisms as a youth in the church but that was over 15 years ago. I have not done them since. I heard that our ward was going to do baptisms and so I signed up to go. It may sound silly but I was so nervous. I worried about it all day and walking into the temple was hard for me that night because I was so scared.

I don't have a fear of water but I am am self conscious of being in all white and to be getting wet in all white was a little too much for me to handle. Especially knowing that a big part of the adult members of the ward would be there made me even more nervous. Luckily, our friends, Amy and Ryan joined us that night and I could not have done it without her help. She walked me through everything and helped me do what I needed to do.

Nate was the one who baptized me which I was so glad for. I would not have wanted anyone else to do it. I only did 3 or 4 names and then I was done. I felt like I had done what I needed to do and I was ok with it. I am glad I did this even though it was hard for me. I love attending the temple but doing baptisms is not my favorite and feel satisfied for a long time.

I am grateful for the blessings we get from attending the temple even though it may be hard for some of us. I know the Lord knows our hearts and recognizes our efforts.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

#22 Done

Eat a funnel cake

Funnel cakes are one of those things you don't really think about until the county fair rolls around and you smell that fried cake batter smell and your tongue waters a little bit. They are a once a year treat.

My parents had a funnel cake booth at the Huntsville 4th of July celebration so this was an easy one for me. I didn't even have to pay to eat the funnel cake and I must say, it was mighty delicious.

(Not only did I get to eat the yummy treat but I am now a professional funnel cake maker and was named the best maker of the family. My parents invested in a funnel cake fryer and tried it for the first time this 4th of July. It was a success and it was tons of fun to work in the booth with my family).

#15 Done

Sew something on my sewing machine

This may seem easy to some but for those of you who know me, know that I am NOT a seamstress. I never really learned to sew and have never really had much of a desire to do it. My mother in law gave me a sewing machine a few years ago for Christmas and it has been sitting in my closet since. (Sorry Beth, it really was a great gift!) I got it out one time when my friend needed to use it and once when my mom helped me with a craft. Other than that, it never got much love. I decided that I would make pillows. I thought they would be easy enough since they are just square and all I would have to sew would be straight lines. I bought some pillow forms and some fabric and got to work.

All supplies out and ready to go!

and here I am unpicking the first stitches I did. It made that bumpy line instead of a straight line. Easy enough fix.

Things were going good and I was getting pretty confident in my sewing skills. My pillows were coming together just fine and then my worst fear came true. My bobbin ran out of thread!! What was I going to do!? Right at that moment I had wished that I had listed to my dear sweet 7th grade home ec teacher, Mrs. Erickson. I knew she taught us how to do it and I was now kicking myself for not paying attention!

I played around for a little while and finally...I figured it out! I got my bobbin loaded with thread again and was set to go again. I finished my first pillow, turned it right side out and realized I had sewn the wrong side together. Ok, keep calm, I told my self. I would just need to unpick the seam and re sew it. I broke a little sweat trying to get it to look perfect but in the end, I was ok with the results. I moved on to the next pillow, doing the same thing I had done on the first. I was a pro by this time and the second pillow turned out much better. I liked it so much more that I decided to redo the first one. Big mistake. It took me way too long and by the time I was done the second pillow was about 2 inches smaller than the other. I ended up with 2 small gray pillows that were both supposed to be 7X7. One ended up being about 5X7 and it took me 2 yards of fabric to make both. I don't think I did it right :) My table looked like a war zone once I was done with scraps and loose threads all over.

I finished my third pillow (the yellow one) and it was a much smoother process! I didn't have to unpick or redo anything and I love how it turned out!

I have now moved on to something bigger and better and WAY more complicated. Luckily I have a good friend who is helping me complete the project that was way over my head to begin with. I have enjoyed learning and trying something new. I will post pictures of my current sewing project if and when I get it done.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

#14 Done

Get involved with the girls at LDS family services for adoption

For those of you who don't know, I got pregnant before I was married. It was something I NEVER thought would happen to me. I always thought I would grow up, get married, have sex for the first time on my wedding night and live happily ever after. I have since learned that things don't always go as planned and that is ok.

I had sex one time. I can't explain why I let it happen. I did and I was devastated. My world came crashing down two weeks later when I found out I was pregnant. I was scared, sad and heartbroken. Not only was I feeling so sorry and sad about doing something I never thought I would do, I was now going to be a mother.

The next nine months of my life would be the most emotional, hard, depressing, lonely, sad, spiritual, strengthening, testimony building months of my life.

I immediately contacted LDS family services and asked about meeting with an adoption counselor. I set up an appointment for later in the week. I was also invited to a birth parent group support meeting. I went to my first meeting the day after I found out I was pregnant. I did not know what to expect and was so scared walking into that room. I was greeted by several girls in the same situation as myself and instantly felt a connection to them. I felt loved and accepted by these strangers right away. I felt calm when I was around them. They knew what I was feeling. They knew how I hurt. They knew how scared and alone I felt.

For the next 7 months, these girls became such a support to me. I looked forward to my weekly meeting with them and the chance for us to get together and talk. I became friends with several of them and we would even hang out outside of the support group. They were such a strength to me. I loved talking with them and being able to discuss all our options and what each of us planned to do. Some of the girls had already placed their baby for adoption, some of us were still deciding, some of us had decided to place while others decided to parent.

These girls because my support (along with my amazing family and friends). I knew that someday I wanted to get involved and try to make a difference in someones life like these girls did in mine. That is why I put this on my list. I want to help someone in the same situation. I want to make a difference and maybe make one of these girls feel a little bit better in what will probably be the hardest time of their life. I have been attending the local LDS family group support meeting for those girls that have placed or are looking into placing or single parenting. I have enjoyed going to group and although it brings back so many memories for me, I am so glad that I have been able to go. I hope that someday, I can help someone in need and maybe make their decision a little easier by telling them my story.

I support adoption. I support parenting. I think that it depends on the situation and there are many factors that go in to play when making the tough decision.

I did not choose to place Zoee for adoption. I chose to parent her. I was 7 months pregnant when I finally made the decision. It was what was right for me. There is so much more to the story but parenting was the best thing for me. I do not look down on girls that choose to place or parent. I do not think that there is an easier option of the two. I think that whatever choice is made, it will present different challenges. I know I did the right thing for myself and I know the other girls made the right choice for them.

To learn more about LDS family adoption services, click here

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Go on a cruise

This is one of the most anticipated and exciting things on my list! I was so excited for this to happen. We had mentioned to our friends, Amy and Ryan, that we wanted to go on a cruise for my 30th birthday. They said they wanted to go too since Ryan was turning 30 as well. It worked out perfect that we could go with them and it was seriously one of the best weeks of my life!

The cruise started out a little rough for me as I came down with something a few days before we were supposed to leave. It got so bad that I caved and went to the doctor the night before we left. I was at the instacare until 2 am trying to figure out what was wrong and get some medicine so I didn't spend the entire vacation miserable. The doctor diagnosed me with strep throat and an upper respiratory infection. He gave me an antibiotic and some cough syrup and sent me on my way. I have never had strep and it was the most awful thing I have ever felt (minus labor of course). I was pretty sure I was going to die.

Amy and Ryan picked us up around 7am. I felt so bad for leaving my mom with my kids because Zeke was sick and was screaming when we left. I felt horrible! We drove to Baker and stopped at the Mcdonalds inside the train, one of Ryan's childhood favorite memory spots. We ate and then got back on the road. I can't tell you much about the trip because I slept the entire way because I was so tired.

We got to the dock and checked in. We finally got on the boat after waiting in long lines. We set up our rooms which were only one door away from each other and we were ready for the week to begin!!

The first two days were spent at sea. We had 2 entire days to eat, sleep, hang out, sleep, eat and play! It was SO much fun! We spent a lot of time playing board games and eating ice cream cones. We sat out on the deck one afternoon and I fell asleep which led to a pretty good sun burn. It was so nice to just relax and not have a care in the world!

We ate at the restaurant every night for dinner and almost everyday for lunch. I would highly recommend taking advantage of this part of a cruise. It is so amazing to have people wait on you every meal and not have to pay at the end of dinner! We always ordered 2 apps, an entree and dessert. Sometimes we would get two desserts! There was even one night we wanted to try something so we got two entrees. It was so awesome! The food was awesome and our servers were the best! They were so much fun! There were a few nights when they would stand on the tables and dance. It was a blast!

Ariel and Al. Our fantastic Servers. They made dinner so much fun!

My most favorite dessert....the chocolate melting cake! I ate it every night!

Our first stop was in Cabo San Lucas. We had scheduled to go four wheeling on the beach. The bus picked us up at the port and drove us about 30 minutes outside of town. There we were each given a helmet, goggles and a four wheeler. The tour guide lead us on a trail for about 20 minutes through the desert and then it opened up to the most amazing beach! He told us we had and hour and a half to go play and he let us loose! We had so much fun cruising all over the sand, up the hills and down! There were some pretty good hills that if you hit them fast enough, you could catch some pretty good air. This was probably my most favorite part of the trip for me. I loved it!

Waiting to get off the boat

On the tiny boat taking us to shore

Our little lunch spot

The next day we went to Puerto Vallarta. We had on our schedule to go to a water park and swim with dolphins. We were all so excited especially Amy since it had been a life long dream! We caught a taxi and he took us to the water park. This was the water park of dreams because there was no one there! We pretty much had the entire park to ourselves. We first went to do our dolphin swim. We had about 30 minutes in the water with 2 dolphins. We got to touch them and give them a kiss and we each got to hold on to their fins as they pulled us through the water. One of the coolest parts was when they pushed us with their noses. It was pretty amazing! We would just float in the water and they some how would find our feet and at the same time put their noses on the bottoms of our feet and push us through the water! It was pretty awesome! They are pretty amazing creatures! We then played at the water park for awhile, going down slides, sitting by the pool and floating in the lazy river. I think that was my favorite thing about the water park. We only saw about a dozen people at the park so we could just float and not worry about anybody or anything. It was so nice and relaxing. After swimming for awhile and eating a pretty sketchy mexican cheeseburger, we headed back to town to get back on the boat.

The next day we went back to Cabo. We didn't have any excursions planned for this day so we just got off the ship and went to some of the shops. We spent a little money buying some souvenirs for the kids and a few things for us. It was fun to try to barter with the shops and get good deals.

We spent Saturday at sea going back to LA. We had so much just playing games, eating, hanging out, talking and sleeping! We played countless games of Settlers of Catan, Trivial Pursuit and Balderdash. We played a game of Monopoly which I hated every minute of. Amy and Ryan did karaoke, we saw lots of the shows they had on the ship and just had so much fun being together. It was probably one of the best weeks of my life!

Just a few other pictures...

Monday, March 28, 2011

#17 DONE

Take dinner to somone

I talked to a friend the other day and offered to take her dinner. As I was making dinner, I remembered I had it on my list of things to do so I thought I would count it. I made garlic chicken pasta, brocolli, breadsticks (not homemade) and a new kind of dessert. This pasta is fabulous and I have never met anyone that did not like it.

We call this "man pasta" because of the bacon, cheese and cream. It is very filling and very very good. It is not a dainty little bowl of pasta and veggies. It is rich and creamy and oh so good!Making this pasta is NOT going to help me accomplish #1 on my list!


16 oz. Farfalle pasta 1 c. heavy whipping cream

3-4 chicken breasts (boneless, skinless)

2 to 3 cloves garlic, crushed

1 Tbsp. pepper*

1/2 c. butter 1 lb. bacon, crumpled

1/2 c. shredded Parmesan cheese

1 (12 oz) Lawry’s mesquite marinade with lime juice

*Seems like a lot of pepper, but it has a wonderful flavor when everything mixes together. If you’re apprehensive, do less pepper. You can always add more.

Crock pot chicken and bottle of marinade on low for 6 hours. Pull marinated chicken out of the juices, allow to cool a little bit, and shred. Set this aside. About a half-hour before serving, boil the pasta. In a small saucepan, melt butter, add garlic, whipping cream, pepper, parmesan cheese, and crumpled bacon. Whisk together on low heat for 3-4 minutes. In a large bowl, pour over cooked, drained pasta, add chicken and stir through. Sprinkle a little bit more shredded parmesan cheese on top.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

#18 DONE

So I have completed my first thing for my 30th year. I know it is a little before my 30th birthday but wanted to post since I have it done.

Pay off Dixie College

I went to Dixie right after I graduated from high school. I finished 2 years at Dixie and then moved back home to prepare for my mission. In order to pay for school, I had to get a student loan. I took a loan for 3000. This paid for one year of school. The other year was paid for with a scholarship and help from my parents. I did not have to start repaying my student loan for 5 years after I graduated which was good since I had 18 months of no income.

3000 does not seem like a lot of money to pay back but I only paid the minimum payment each month so here I am, 10 years after school and just barely paying it off. (It was never a priority compared to other debt since I only paid a few bucks a year in interest) I called Dixie the other day and had them just take the remaining balance to pay it off.

We are now totally out of debt minus our house and car and that feels good.

Dixie roommates
Amanda, Josie, Lisa and Brandee
Good times and awesome memories. Well worth the 3000 dollars!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

So I am turning 30 this year. April 1st. I will hit the big Three O. I am excited.

I have chosen to make this a good year.

I have a hard time believing that I am 30! It seems like just yesterday I was in college living with roommates and paying only 120 bucks for rent. Now I spend 120 on a trip to the grocery store to feed my family of 5.

In an effort to make this the best year possible, I have decided to make a list of 30 things I want to accomplish in this year. Some are easy. Some are hard. Some are fun and others are not.

Here is my no particular order
1. Lose 50 pounds
2. Read the Book of Mormon
3. Go on a cruise
4. Eat Indian food
5. Have sex every day for one week
6. Make home made rolls
7. Read a book
8. Make a new friend
9. Participate in a 5K
10. Paint a giant tree on my wall
11. Take my kids to Disneyland
12. Make stuffed grape leaves
13. Write a letter to someone I love and actually mail it
14. Get involved with the girls at LDS family services for adoption
15. Make one thing on my sewing machine
16. Visit a nursing home
17. Take dinner to someone
18. Pay off Dixie College
19. Volunteer at the DI
20. Visit my Grandma's grave
21. Take Zoee to get her toes painted
22. Eat a funnel cake
23. Attend the temple at least 6 times
24. Do baptisms for the dead
25. Make a photo book for my kids
26. Dejunk the closets in my house.
27. Get my dental work done :(
28. Finish painting and decorating my bedroom
29. Take my kids swimming
30. See a show on the strip

I will use this blog to keep track of my progress. I will try to update it as I complete each item. I am excited for this coming year. This is my year.