Sunday, September 11, 2011

#24 Done

Do Baptisms for the dead

This is something that I have wanted to do but have not done since I was about 13 or 14 years old. I wanted to do it because temple work is something that is important to me and because this part of temple work is something that is a little out of my comfort zone. The whole point of this list is to push me and make me accomplish goals that are hard for me. This is one of them.

I remember doing baptisms as a youth in the church but that was over 15 years ago. I have not done them since. I heard that our ward was going to do baptisms and so I signed up to go. It may sound silly but I was so nervous. I worried about it all day and walking into the temple was hard for me that night because I was so scared.

I don't have a fear of water but I am am self conscious of being in all white and to be getting wet in all white was a little too much for me to handle. Especially knowing that a big part of the adult members of the ward would be there made me even more nervous. Luckily, our friends, Amy and Ryan joined us that night and I could not have done it without her help. She walked me through everything and helped me do what I needed to do.

Nate was the one who baptized me which I was so glad for. I would not have wanted anyone else to do it. I only did 3 or 4 names and then I was done. I felt like I had done what I needed to do and I was ok with it. I am glad I did this even though it was hard for me. I love attending the temple but doing baptisms is not my favorite and feel satisfied for a long time.

I am grateful for the blessings we get from attending the temple even though it may be hard for some of us. I know the Lord knows our hearts and recognizes our efforts.